Friday, April 9, 2010

Here a scam there a scam... everywhere a scam scam

Funny thing about today... I was wondering through my local Mall and I stopped to actually notice a flat screen TV behind the counter Haagen-Dazs Ice cream. Apparently They are concerned with the "Honey-Bee Crisis" and even have a website link to there homepage about this "Environmental" situation. So let me get this strait?!... An Ice Creamery has a concern for the well being of the world?! Haagen-Dazs Slogan states that "there stuff is the "finest" around & is crafted with the "purest" ingredients.
So I'm scratching my head right about now... hmmmm what is "Purity?" & is what's this "Environment" we're speaking of? Could it be something exclusive to an external embodiment alone?! How about the "Internal Environment" of the human body and its well being? Last time I checked I'm pretty sure "Sugar" goes through an unnatural man-made refining process and is actually classified as an "Anti-nutrient"... is this what is pure?! How about Milk or Dairy products in general, what is the story there? Well according to Corporate Industrial Companies they'd have you believing that milk is the source of calcium and that it's what body needs and it "Does a body good" "Good for teeth, bones and hair." How can this be when you "Pasteurize & Homogenize" something, which is the process of heating something beyond 170degrees killing everything in the substance and then it is spun... THERE LITERALLY IS NOTHING LEFT! it is nothing more than puss!!!
So then what do companies do?! They "Re-Fortify" there milk with Vitamins?! WHO'S VITAMINS???... we don't know????
So regardless of this dairy products are responsible for most of our bad health conditions clogging our bodies up with all kinds of goop an fatty waxy substances plus creating flemmy "Lung-Cheese" that has no choice but to be hacked up at times reversely rather than processed by the body naturally. I also want to let you in on another secret... plants that grow in the ground are responsible for Calcium and it's what the Cows are eating cause it is the "soil" that plants get the nutrients from... Dairy actually leeches from us and is responsible for degenerate diseases such as Osteoporosis!!!
Okay Haagen Dazs... You are selling people's health to the gutter...trashing peoples bodies and that is your profit for the fiscal year. Honey-bees... how can a company be so wrong and yet be so right? I mean if they were selling like wheat grass and carrot juice and natural drinks while also promoting alternate sources of getting fiber I'd say "Hey you're dam right about the Honey-bee's!!... What are we to do?" However I'm not so sure I can understand Hypocrisy and trusting such a two faced & faceless psychopath.
Also another important subject while I'm on the topic is "TOP SOIL" & GM(genetically modified) FOOD. So it's no secret that we have a topsoil problem due to a high volume of industry, we are simply not getting enough nutrients from our veggies and crops cause we are not letting the soil replenish itself properly. What this means for us is we absolutely have to "SUPPLEMENT" it is ultra important to take vitamins daily, I recommend a Vitamin C, Multi Vitamin, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and a B-complex or B6 for sure and to go get a "Blood Chemistry Profile" done on yourself to see what Vitamins that you are indeed lacking. This will help to eat more foods in the right departments and to also supplement. The Proper way to take vitamins is to split them up in two meal sittings and you absolutely have to take them with food cause they bond to the food. And How about this GM food well like I've stated before there couldn't be anything worse than this. Stick to Organic if possible cause you can trust what it says for the most part where as conventional stores don't have to label and state that it is GM food. GM food is engineered in such a way that it will make us resistant to antibiotics when we need them and so will meat items that have hormones and steroids in them as well... very sad thing in fact this type of stuff doesn't have short term and noticeable effects but rather long range damaging effects over years making it easier for companies not to be responsible or noticed for not labeling. So disappointing and according to allot of other countries we are the laughing stock and nobody wants what we have to sell. The horror of it all is that businesses are on all sides of the fences and it's just a matter of time before the greed kills us all. If this type of so called Science cannot be dealt away with we could be in for tough times and some serious bio-warefare.
Well yet again another depressing report but well informative I'm sure. I don't intend on writing this kind of stuff forever in fact I think in this blog and the previous one I've pretty much covered all the bases on what to know about your health. Hopefully I've made it easy to find answers for yourself & you're wise enough to trust no one and take nothing at face value.
In summary you are your own best doctor and an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Oh and one last thing... check into this YouTube video... "Dr. Rauni Kilde " cause vaccines and inoculations are junk science as well... Don't get me wrong Science is supposed to be that which is known like if you need insulin cause you are not producing any or if your pancreas lacks Enzymes you absolutely have to take hybrid synthetic ones such as I do. However The Science behind vaccines is just too new and introduces toxins causing all kinds of harm and malfunctions. The only safe way to truly prepare yourself from harm is to live a healthy lifestyle and build the immune system properly. If you catch something build your own resistance to it cause that is what nature intended us to do.

Society... An asylum for the sane?!

How brilliant does a creator have to be to realize the value of life's trials and tribulations are so substandard in this day and age. I don't even know if I want the fact that I was human on my resume as it seems so barbaric. In olden times we knew exactly who our oppressors were but nowadays people are under the guise of wayyyy to much trust and psychological warfare... lambs to the slaughter indeed. We used to know that we were paying big brother to protect us and now we don't even know who big brother is... or what we're paying for??!!! I really don't want to be a downer but everywhere I turn it seems business oriented mischief owns the hearts & minds of the masses and accountability is almost a joke. I've always liked the saying "Set a thief to catch a thief but he'll never catch a businessman." Quite simply put we got a bunch of mobsters and thugs in suits down here.
I used to think that being part of an elite 5% was Bitchin and that knocking around concepts till we were blue in the face was all the rage. I also get that being a person of your word is also being a person of commitment, action and self discipline. In the end we will be somehow accountable on an individual level I suppose... if there is such a standardization in all the madness... some kinda measure for the "Greater Good of All." So the question is how did I arrive at this frame of mind??? Why does being human feel so low?! Why does it feel as though we've been kicked off spinning in the middle of nowhere'sville & with no intelligence in site down here on this rock we all call Earth.
So what's all the hoopla? Why shouldn't I say nothing if I don't have anything nice to say? Well I can answer the second part quite easily as I will not have pent up thoughts and emotions constantly attacking my innards by having the "Good Soldier/Take one for the Team" indoctrinated mindset. As for the hoopla I don't even know where to begin...
How about I begin with the obvious or what scientifically should be apparent???? Should we be eating meat as a primary source of nutrients?! The answer is so simple cause it's "NO!" Meat is an emergency item only!! I'm not gonna go into a whole lot of detail about why but you can do yourself a grave justice by picking up the VHS or DVD or click this same link to watch "A diet for all reasons" or also pickup a book entitled "Fit for Life 2." So that is "FACT #1 we are omnivores by design IE; The design of our jaw movement, the length of our intestines, our eye-teeth not k nine's, the design of our blood and digestive juices are not meant for meat!! and the list goes on. So our grocery stores, restaurants and fast food chains are a direct attack on our health and compromise our well being. That also goes double for Dairy Products they are not for us period! Now here is another strong point discussed in "Fit for life 2"... that being "Proper Food Combining." This once again is "SIMPLE SCIENCE" nothing sneaky about it... The FACT is that in humans and any animal alike across the board it is "BAD CHEMISTRY" to mix or combine a Protein with a Starch and the reason being that the digestive juices being both alkaline and acidic cancel one another out leaving the food to not digest properly... food can sit in the stomach over the 3hr limit all the way up to 8hrs before moving to the small intestine... This means the food can and will rot in the stomach... yes meat will petrify and fruits will ferment!!!! plus if you drink allot of fluids while eating you also wash down the digestive juices as well. Okay for all those out there who think I'm fibbing raise your hand! THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT! Nice western diet we got here... why is there a whole isle for antacids and digestion relief and why are people so obese?! how about MEAT&POTATOES, CHICKEN&PASTA, FISH&RICE, MILK&CEREAL, EGGS&TOAST etc. etc. etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and while were on the subject of meat... guess what all life resonates and vibrates so the unjust cruelty and over crowding of the animals makes for very bad vibrations on a spiritual level and you get to be the proud owner of all the hurt behind the curtains via the food on your plate and this might also explain why we are so war mongering and unnecessarily aggressive, if you don't believe me check out the movie "Earthlings." Plus not to mention all the steroids, hormones and antibiotics used on the animals as well that were ingesting.
Okay so if you're just hearing that Meat is bad and combining food improperly is also bad let's now check the primary source of life next to air... Yup you guessed it "WATER" what can possibly be wrong with water or even bottled water well an interesting movie to look into is the movie "Flow". Well let's look into this first off once again there is an entire chapter in the book "fit for life 2" that discusses whats in our water... Should we be fluoridating our water?! Hell no we don't digest toothpaste and it is an absolute myth that the fluoride they dump in our water is the same as which our body produces and yet all the doctors and dentists would have you believe it's just what our teeth need... when it actually erodes the enamel... yes fluoride in toothpaste is wrong as well??!!
In the 1950's they began fluoridation and did a "small" study on it and the real truth is that the "ALUMINUM COMPANIES" were getting fined for dumping the toxin known as fluoride so they sold it to the health industry and now we are paying aluminum companies to dump it in our water... IT'S BIG BUSINESS!! And how about the Chlorine treatment on the water to kill all the bad bacteria and US as well!! in World War 2 we used Chlorine on our adversaries to kill them!! Okay so how about this bottled water... Can you say Scam!! there are no natural local springs and rivers giving us clean water. So the conclusion is the only good water you should be drinking is Distilled water as I have a "waterwise9000" of my own... Cleanest water on the planet!! and yet we don't use this technology for the public?????
Okay so why are we all so lemming like and just a bunch of lambs to the slaughter... just because of Effing something called "TRADITION" hell even our Western Science is bunk, our solution is to "cut & remove" instead of treat the condition with remedies that are natural?! No monies in that I suppose... If Science is spending 900million on inventing one pill you bet they got to get there money back regardless of side affects.
My conclusion to today's blog is meek and it sucks that this knowledge of big industry wasn't imparted upon me at an earlier age but "now is the time" even if our schools and societies are polluted it is sheer ignorance that is our only sin & mere prideful knowledge if not executed by ones individual right design. I wish 1 person could change 10 and 10 a 100 and 100 a 1,000 and so on and who knows perhaps this plain of existence will look back at us and how wrong we were.